Visit of Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos
to London - 13/14th June 2008


His Eminence Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, visited London at the invitation of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales.

He attended a formal dinner in his honour, gave a press conference, addressed the AGM of the Latin Mass Society and had a private meeting with Cormac Cardinal Murphy O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster.

On the Saturday afternoon he celebrated Pontifical High Mass at the Throne in Westminster Cathedral, in accordance with the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Missale Romanum 1962).

The Assistant Priest was Fr. Antony Conlon
The Deacon was Fr. Andrew Wadsworth
The Sub-deacon was Fr. William Hudson ICKSP

The Deacons of Honour at the Throne were Fr. Andrew Southwell & Fr. Timothy Finigan.